Instalación sonora + fotografías en la galería ATM Contemporary de Gijón.

Instalación sonora + fotografías en la galería ATM Contemporary de Gijón.

Instalación sonora + fotografías en la galería ATM Contemporary de Gijón.

Instalación sonora + fotografías en la galería ATM Contemporary de Gijón.
This piece culminates the research process part of the Geometries of the Kosmos project. Starting from the sound generated by the radio waves of 8 neutron stars (also called Pulsars, they are stars with a mass much greater than that of our sun, which at the end of their lives collapse on themselves forming a celestial body the size of a large city. These bodies rotate on their own axis with a certain rotational frequency, generating large electromagnetic pulses that emit flashes of high radiation towards the universe. These flashes are captured from the earth in the form of radio waves by means of radio telescopes), is edited a multi-channel sound piece to be played on 8 modified speakers containing a quantity of fluid.
Once the sound of these celestial bodies is projected on the fluid contained in the speakers, we can see how a relationship is generated between resonance and the creation of geometric structures, which show different formations in a visible way that are made visible by light.
The sound installation is complemented by a video and photographs that show the same process in HD and clearly show the multitude of figures that the viewer cannot see directly inside the speakers.